Ebook Beating the Anti-Sicilians Grandmaster Repertoire 6A
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The Sicilian Defence is the most combative way to meet 1.e4, but Black's hopes of reaching his favourite Dragon, Najdorf or Sveshnikov are often quashed at an early stage. In Grandmaster Repertoire 6A Beating the Anti-Sicilians, grandmaster Vassilios Kotronias provides full coverage against White's many attempts to steer the game away from Open Sicilian territory. Beginning with sidelines on move 2, and extending all the way to variations tested at World Championship level, the author provides expert recommendations against all White's sensible deviations (as well as some not-so-sensible ones!) with specific advice tailored for 2...d6, 2...e6 and 2...Nc6 players.Be it tackling Wing and Morra Gambits head first, outmanoeuvring 2.c3 and Closed aficionados, bashing 3.Bb5 or ruining the Rossolimo, this book contains everything you need to make your opponents wish they had played 2.Nf3 and 3.d4! Quality Chess Forward Chess Grandmaster Preparation: Calculation Publisher:Quality Chess Author:Jacob Aagaard Price: **$1999 Contents:304 pages Release Date: March 26 2017 Opening chess books by Quality Chess Grandmaster Repertoire - 1e4 vs The French Caro-Kann and Philidor by Parimarjan Negi Nov knihy achov Sachypalkacz nov knihy v etin a sloventin nov knihy anglick nmeck zahjen v rutin taktikastrategiekoncovkyhistoriebeletrie v rutine Uvrx - Search Badongo Mediafire Zshare 4shared Taringa Uvrxcom is dedicated to providing the most comprehensive online file storage search engine and we will continue updating and improving it as often as possible search Them All - Search Badongo Mediafire - Uvrx Search Megaupload Rapidshare Badongo filefactory depositfiles easy-share sharedzilla gigasize divshare sendspace yousendit ASApload Mediafire Zshare 4shared letitbit
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