[Free PDF.eUaY] Astronomical Myths
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The Book which is here presented to the public is founded upon a French work by M. Flammarion which has enjoyed considerable popularity. It contained a number of interesting accounts of the various ideas, sometimes mythical, sometimes intended to be serious, that had been entertained concerning the heavenly bodies and our own earth; with a popular history of the earliest commencement of astronomy among several ancient peoples. It is hoped that it may be found of interest to those who care to know about the early days of the oldest of our sciences, which is now attracting general attention again by the magnitude of its recent advances. Astronomy also, in early days, as will be seen by a perusal of this book, was so mixed up with all the affairs of life, and contributed so much even to religion, that a history of its beginnings is found to reveal the origin of several of our ideas and habits, now apparently quite unconnected with the science. There is matter of interest here, therefore, for those who wish to know only the history of the general ideas of mankind. Dogon Creational Myths - bibliotecapleyadesnet Sirius - which we now call Sirius A - was not seen through a telescope until 1862 and was not photographed until 1970 The Dogon name for Sirius B (Po Tolo) consists The Constellations - dibonsmithcom Or go to the Main Menu of the The Constellations Web Page All files associated with The Constellations Web Page are by Richard Dibon-Smith and meant for personal Astronomical naming conventions - Wikipedia With the advent of the increased light-gathering abilities of the telescope many more stars became visible far too many to all be given names Myths & Legends Ancient Origins Ancient Origins articles related to Myths & Legends in the sections of history archaeology human origins unexplained artifacts ancient places and myths and legends Myths and Legends - frames Last altered February 19th 2002 Aside from the General and Creatures of Myth and Legend sections these links are organized by region and language group with those Blue Moons: myths facts history and dates - Infoplease Learn about the astronomical phenomena of the blue moon which only happens when an extra full moon appears during the year The next blue moon will occur in November South African Astronomical Observatory - SAAO Welcome to the SAAO! Founded in 1820 and located in the leafy Southern suburbs of Cape Town The South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO) is the national centre Hawaiian Astronomical Society - Deepsky Atlas HAS Home Search All Sky Maps Constellations Listing Deepsky Listings Jay Wrathall's Messiers The Hawaiian Astronomical Society Storybook and Deepsky Atlas is a Star Maps and the Secrets of Senenmut: Astronomical Star Maps and the Secrets of Senenmut: Astronomical Ceilings and the Hopi Vision of Earth (Read the article on one page) NWS Lightning Safety Myths Page Lightning Myths and Facts Myth: If you're caught outside during a thunderstorm you should crouch down to reduce your risk of being struck Fact: Crouching doesn't
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